After studying broadcasting for 4 years at the University of West Florida I pursued a career in radio. During my time as a full time on-air personality I learned how to create and nurture brands, expand social media presence, host and engage audiences on-air and online and create informative, entertaining content.
When I got into radio I realized that I needed to craft a professional image. Professional photos are the easiest way to get a cleaner more professional image. Slowly, crafting a professional image became modeling fashion, boutique and lifestyle brands, fitness, products and more. I think of modeling and posing as speaking a language, and its one of my favorite languages to speak.
Video Commercials
Space Channel Movies
Hythe Resort
Cooling Cuff
Colorado Department of Health
Space Channel
Ted’s Sweetwater Grill
Bossie Beauty
Pelican Lakes Golf Course
Rocky Mountain Skydive
Taco Johns
Roots Beauty Studio
Bonehead Fire Grilled
De Luna Winery
Brew Ha Ha
National TV
Carnival Eats (Appearance)
Surplus Warehouse (Voice Over TV Commercial)
Who Wants to be a Millionaire (Segment Cancelled)
Sava Soiree
Big Buckle Ball
Bands on Blackwater
Tunes by the Dunes
Bands on the Beach
Boys and Girls Club Boot Scoot
Film Acting
Sentenced to Live - Lead Female Role
(Full Length Film)
Come Thou Fount - Lead Female Role
(Short Film/Music Video)
Voice Acting
Death of a Bounty Hunter 1
Death of a Bounty Hunter 2
Published Modeling
Rocky Mountain Bride - Magazine
Pilar B'outique - Website
21 Days to Feeling Gorgeous - Book
Fripp Outdoors - Website
Pensacola Opera - Magazine
Magazine Interviews
Exalte Magazine
Voyage Denver
NOCO Style Magazine
Country Aircheck